Helicopter & Airplane
specific FAQ´s
FAQ´s - Helicopter
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Where can I get more information about training?
The best way to contact us is via e-mail or our contact form: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
You can also watch our webinars, meet us at trade fairs or events.
Why does it make sense to train in the USA?
- English is the pilot language
- Training is cheaper
- No landing fees
- Continuous training without an “hour-building phase”
- On the F1 visa you can work in the USA for 23.5 months after your training
- Very good job opportunities directly after training
- Realistically build 1200-1500 flying hours
You can find out more about finding the right flight school here: https://en.flyhaa.de/get-started/
What are the requirements for helicopter flight-training?
- You must be at least 18 years old
- You must understand and speak English (not perfectly, but well)
- You must prove that you can pay for the training
- You must have a passport that covers the period of training and the work phase
- You must pass the FAA Class 2, as well as the EASA Class 1 Medical
You can find more information about registration on our registration page: https://flyhaa.com/apply/
When can I start my pilot training?
We start new groups every month from January to November, however we recommend starting between March and August
Is there a height or weight limit?
Yes, our helicopters have certain weight limits, that have to be taken into consideration. To ensure students can conduct their flight training, we have to limit students to 100kg max flight weight. If you are close to this or over it, we can discuss other options. Simply contact us by e-mail or via our contact form: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
At what age does training make sense?
It is possible to start training from the age of 18 and there are always students who learn to fly at the age of 60+. If you want to find a job in Europe after your training and your work-time in the USA, it makes sense not to be much older than 40 when you start your training. Every age has advantages and disadvantages. For example, 18–20-year-old students often learn quickly and can process a lot of new information. But most of them have little life and work experience, which sometimes makes it difficult to enter the workforce. Students who start training at the age of 35-45 often have a lot of work experience, usually know how to communicate, but have difficulties with the amount of EASA theory and sometimes with learning new motor skills.
Can I visit the flight school?
Absolutely! We are always happy to show potential students around our school and answer any questions they may have. We also offer you a free demo flight during your visit.
Simply contact us via e-mail or our contact form and we can coordinate a visit with you: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
Does a demo flight make sense?
Yes, a demo flight with us or with another school makes a lot of sense. Especially if you’ve never flown in a helicopter before. Because the training costs a lot of time and money and you should be sure that it really is the right path for you.
What is the best way to prepare for flight training?
The earlier you start studying for the theory, the better. To help you with this, we offer a free class that prepares you for the FAA theory. This course usually takes place on Tuesdays at 7pm German time and is run by Phil Haupt on Microsoft Teams. Participation in this course is voluntary and you are not obliged to do flight training with us.
If you are interested in this course, simply contact us by e-mail or via our contact form: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
How long does helicopter pilot training take?
Most students need 12-20 months to become a fully trained helicopter pilot. The timeline depends on whether you only want to acquire the American FAA licenses or also the European EASA license. It also depends on the student, their motivation and preparation. We are happy to support you with your planning and preparation!
You can find out more about our training and the licenses here: https://en.flyhaa.de/helicopter/
What type of visa is available at Hillsboro?
The two types of student visas for the US are the M1 and the F1. The M1 visa is available at many schools, but only allows for flight training, no work phase. Hillsboro offers the F1 visa which allows you to work after completing your flight training.
You can find out more about the visa here: https://en.flyhaa.de/visa/
Can I bring my partner to the USA?
- The F1 visa allows students to bring their spouse or children to the USA on the so-called F2 visa. Children may also attend school in the USA, but spouses do not have a work permit.
- Unfortunately, unmarried partners cannot obtain a visa, but can visit you for up to 3 months at a time.
- You can find out more about the visa here: https://en.flyhaa.de/visa/
- The F1 visa allows students to bring their spouse or children to the USA on the so-called F2 visa. Children may also attend school in the USA, but spouses do not have a work permit.
Which pilot licenses are included in the training?
- EASA CPL with frozen ATPL(IFR)
You can find out more about training and licenses here: https://en.flyhaa.de/helicopter/
How long does the training for each licenses take?
- The exact duration of training depends on many factors, such as the time of year, the student, the weather and more. Therefore, the following values are averages, not guaranteed course times.
- PPL 3-4 months
- IFR/CPL 9-11 months
- EASA ATPL theory parallel to FAA IFR/CPL
- EASA CPL 1 month
- FAA CFI 3-4 months
- FAA CFII 2 weeks
You can find out more about training and licenses here: https://en.flyhaa.de/helicopter/
Can I work during my training?
Yes, you can work up to 20 hours per week at our flight school on the F1 visa alongside your training. It is not possible to work for another employer while you are training. In our experience, it is not a good idea for students who are also completing their EASA training to work during their training due to the amount of learning involved, as this delays their training.
Can I do my training at Hillsboro if I already have a pilot's license?
Yes, it is possible to continue your training at Hillsboro with an existing license. The details depend on your licenses and flight hours. The FAA generally only gives pilots with an EASA license a so-called FAA foreign based PPL. Therefore, a completed EASA CPL pilot must also undergo FAA IFR, CPL and CFI training.
You can find out more about FAA transcription here: https://en.flyhaa.de/faa-conversion/
Do I have to take the flight instructor license?
Yes, the flight instructor certificate is required for the F1 visa.
Can I complete my training during my vacation?
No, the F1 visa is only intended for full-time training, it is not possible to complete this in one vacation. Realistically, the entire training program takes 18-20 months full-time.
How many flying hours do I need to become a pilot?
You will fly a total of around 200 flight hours during your training. This is also the minimum requirement by the American FAA to become a flight instructor in a Robinson helicopter. Approximately 90-95% of our graduates start their career as flight instructors.
You can find out more about training and licenses here: https://en.flyhaa.de/helicopter/
Where will I live during my training?
For the first few weeks, you can stay in our student housing. These are special apartments near the school that make it easy to get started. Afterwards, it is common for students to move into a shared flat or house with other students or flight instructors.
Which insurance makes sense for my training?
- There are no legal requirements for health-insurance. However, it makes a lot of sense. It is possible to get insured through the flight school in the USA. However, it usually makes more sense to get health insurance in your home country, as this is often cheaper and better.
- You do not need to take out insurance for the helicopters as they are insured by the flight school.
- You do not need to take out insurance for the helicopters as they are insured by the flight school.
- There are no legal requirements for health-insurance. However, it makes a lot of sense. It is possible to get insured through the flight school in the USA. However, it usually makes more sense to get health insurance in your home country, as this is often cheaper and better.
Can I also acquire only the commercial pilot license?
No, it is not possible to complete only the commercial pilot license. The different licenses build on each other, like a school. You can’t skip elementary school and just do the high school diploma either.
Can I take vacation during my training?
In principle, yes, but there are some restrictions regarding the duration and timing of a vacation due to the visa. For example, it is only possible in exceptional circumstances to leave the country during the first 6.5 months of your training. We can of course send you our vacation policy by e-mail.
Simply contact us via e-mail or fill out our contact form: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
Can my family visit me in the USA?
Yes, that’s no problem. Depending on which course you are in, you can also take family members or friends with you on a flight. However, this must be discussed with your instructor beforehand.
Can I work in the USA after my training?
If you have attended a flight school with the F1 visa, you can work in the USA after your training. The F1 visa is only available at very few flight schools and allows graduates to work in the USA after their training. The time of this work phase varies from school to school between 12 and 23.5 months. Hillsboro allows graduates the full 23.5 months because we know how important flight hours are to your future career.
You can find out more about the visa here: https://en.flyhaa.de/visa/
How much does helicopter pilot training cost?
Depending on whether you complete the FAA training or the combined FAA/EASA training, the cost varies between approx. $87,000 and $100,000. Unlike in Europe, there are no landing fees and there is no sales tax in Oregon. We can send you a detailed price list.
Simply contact us by e-mail or via our contact form: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
Will I be paid for my training?
No, unlike vocational training in some countries, you don’t get paid for the training and have to finance it and your living costs yourself.
What additional costs should I expect?
A large part of the additional expenses is the cost of living. You should expect to spend $1000-$1500 per month. These costs vary depending on your personal lifestyle. There are also expenses related to the visa, registration, travel, car ownership, exams, the Robinson Safety Course, medicals and more. You can also find these on our price list. Simply contact us by e-mail or via our contact form: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
Are there scholarships for the training?
Unfortunately, there are no scholarships or funding opportunities through our flight school.
When do I pay for the training?
With us, you pay for the respective activity on the day of the flight or theory. This means that the cost of the training is spread over a longer period of time and if you decide to stop the training, there are no costs or penalties, as is the case in Europe. The only part of the training that you pay for upfront is the EASA theoretical training, which begins after you complete your FAA private pilot license. This is because we pass these fees on to our partners and the authorities.
How do you finance your training?
Most students finance their education through savings and loans. Often a loan is taken out with the help of the family.
Where can I get a loan for my training?
Most students take out a loan from their bank, often with the help of their family. However, there are also portals on the Internet where you can search for a suitable loan and possibly get better conditions.
What kind of jobs can I find as a pilot in the USA?
Approximately 90-95% of our graduates start their career as flight instructors in the Robinson R22 or R44. It used to be common for our graduates to spend their entire work-time in the USA as flight instructors, but in recent years the pilot shortage in the USA has created great opportunities. Many pilots with 700-1000 flight hours are already moving on to tour companies. Since 2021, several graduates from Europe have gone to fly tours in Hawaii, New York, Las Vegas and Alaska. We also have a good relationship with a large firefighting company called HTS, which operates CH-54 Skycrane helicopters and is happy to hire our graduates as co-pilots for firefighting.
How much do you earn as a helicopter pilot?
The salary for pilots varies greatly. As a flight instructor, you usually earn enough to cover your living expenses. In Oregon the average CFI salary is between $1500 and $2500 per month. In Los Angeles, San Francisco or other cities the salary can be significantly higher, but the cost of living is also much higher. The salary as a tour pilot is usually a little better and you often get tips in addition to your salary. But again, the exact salary depends on the location. If you work in firefighting as a co-pilot, you can earn very well. In 2022, a co-pilot earned at least $3000 plus overtime and per-diem for a 12-day rotation. However, you should bear in mind that you cannot plan the fire season well and only fly few hours.
Can I stay in the USA permanently after my visa?
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to stay in the USA after the work phase is completed. There is usually no way for companies to simply apply for a work visa for you. In the past, however, there have been several students who have won the so-called green card lottery (every October and free of charge) or who have married a US citizen.
FAQ´s - Airplane
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Where can I get more information about training?
The best way to contact us is via e-mail or our contact form: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
You can also watch our webinars, meet us at trade fairs or events.
Why does it make sense to train in the USA?
- English is the pilot language
- Training is cheaper
- No landing fees
- Continuous training without an “hour-building phase”
- On the F1 visa you can work in the USA for 23.5 months after your training
- Very good job opportunities directly after training
- Realistically build 1200-2000 flying hours
You can find out more about finding the right flight school here: https://en.flyhaa.de/get-started/
When can I start my pilot training?
We start new groups every month from January to November, however we recommend starting between March and August
Is there a height or weight limit?
Yes, if you weigh over 100kg and are over 2m tall, we recommend you get in touch with us to discuss the details. Simply contact us by e-mail or via our contact form: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
What are the requirements for flight-training?
- You must be at least 18 years old
- You must understand and speak English (not perfectly, but well)
- You must prove that you can pay for the training
- You must have a passport that covers the period of training and the work phase
- You must pass the FAA Class 2, as well as the EASA Class 1 Medical
You can find more information about registration on our registration page: https://flyhaa.com/apply/
At what age does training make sense?
It is possible to start training from the age of 18 and there are always students who learn to fly at the age of 60+. If you want to find a job in Europe after your training and your worktime in the USA, it makes sense not to be much older than 40 when you start your training. Every age has advantages and disadvantages. For example, 18–20-year-old students often learn quickly and can process a lot of new information. But most of them have little life and work experience, which sometimes makes it difficult to enter the workforce. Students who start training at the age of 35-45 often have a lot of work experience, usually know how to communicate, but have difficulties with the amount of EASA theory and sometimes with learning new motor skills.
Can I visit the flight school?
Absolutely! We are always happy to show potential students around our school and answer any questions they may have. We also offer you a free demo flight during your visit.
Simply contact us via e-mail or our contact form and we can coordinate a visit with you: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
Does a demo flight make sense?
Yes, a demo flight with us or with another school makes a lot of sense. Especially if you’ve never flown in a helicopter before. Because the training costs a lot of time and money and you should be sure that it really is the right path for you.
What is the best way to prepare for flight training?
The earlier you start studying for the theory, the better. We are happy to supply you with some great resources, simply contact us by e-mail or via our contact form: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
How long does pilot training take?
Most students need 18-24 months to become a fully trained pilot. The timeline depends on whether you only want to acquire the American FAA licenses or also the European EASA license. It also depends on the student, their motivation and preparation. We are happy to support you with your planning and preparation!
You can find out more about our training and the licenses here: https://en.flyhaa.de/airplane/
How many flight hours do I need to become a pilot?
The full training including EASA licenses takes about 245 flight hours, of which 34 hours are done in the simulator.
90-95% of our graduates start their career as a flight instructor
You can find out more about our training and the licenses here: https://en.flyhaa.de/airplane/
What type of visa is available at Hillsboro?
The two types of student visas for the US are the M1 and the F1. The M1 visa is available at many schools, but only allows for flight training, no work phase. Hillsboro offers the F1 visa which allows you to work after completing your flight training.
You can find out more about the visa here: https://en.flyhaa.de/visa/
Can I bring my partner to the USA?
- The F1 visa allows students to bring their spouse or children to the USA on the so-called F2 visa. Children may also attend school in the USA, but spouses do not have a work permit.
- Unfortunately, unmarried partners cannot obtain a visa, but can visit you for up to 3 months at a time.
- You can find out more about the visa here: https://en.flyhaa.de/visa/
- The F1 visa allows students to bring their spouse or children to the USA on the so-called F2 visa. Children may also attend school in the USA, but spouses do not have a work permit.
Which pilot licenses are included in the training?
- EASA IFR, CPL with frozen ATPL(IFR)
You can find out more about training and licenses here: https://en.flyhaa.de/airplane/
How long does the training for each licenses take?
- The exact duration of training depends on many factors, such as the time of year, the student, the weather and more. Therefore, the following values are averages, not guaranteed course times.
- PPL 3-4 months
- IFR/CPL 9-11 months
- EASA ATPL Theorie parallel to FAA IFR/CPL
- EASA CPL 1 month
- FAA CFI 3-4 months
- FAA CFII 1 month
- FAA MEI 1 months
- EASA IR PIC timebuilding 2 months
- EASA IR 1 month
You can find out more about training and licenses here: https://en.flyhaa.de/airplane/
Can I work during my training?
Yes, you can work up to 20 hours per week at our flight school on the F1 visa alongside your training. It is not possible to work for another employer while you are training. In our experience, it is not a good idea for students who are also completing their EASA training to work during their training due to the amount of learning involved, as this delays their training.
Can I do my training at Hillsboro if I already have a pilot's license?
Yes, it is possible to continue your training at Hillsboro with an existing license. The details depend on your licenses and flight hours. The FAA generally only gives pilots with an EASA license a so-called FAA foreign based PPL. Therefore, a completed EASA CPL pilot must also undergo FAA IFR, CPL and CFI training.
You can find out more about FAA transcription here: https://en.flyhaa.de/faa-conversion/
Do I have to take the flight instructor license?
Yes, the flight instructor certificate is required for the F1 visa.
Can I complete my training during my vacation?
No, the F1 visa is only intended for full-time training, it is not possible to complete this in one vacation. Realistically, the entire training program takes 18-24 months full-time.
Where will I live during my training?
For the first few weeks, you can stay in our student housing. These are special apartments near the school that make it easy to get started. Afterwards, it is common for students to move into a shared flat or house with other students or flight instructors.
Which insurance makes sense for my training?
- There are no legal requirements for health-insurance. However, it makes a lot of sense. It is possible to get insured through the flight school in the USA. However, it usually makes more sense to get health insurance in your home country, as this is often cheaper and better.
- You do not need to take out insurance for the helicopters as they are insured by the flight school.
- You do not need to take out insurance for the helicopters as they are insured by the flight school.
- There are no legal requirements for health-insurance. However, it makes a lot of sense. It is possible to get insured through the flight school in the USA. However, it usually makes more sense to get health insurance in your home country, as this is often cheaper and better.
Can I also acquire only the commercial pilot license?
No, it is not possible to complete only the commercial pilot license. The different licenses build on each other, like a school. You can’t skip elementary school and just do the high school diploma either.
Can I take vacation during my training?
In principle, yes, but there are some restrictions regarding the duration and timing of a vacation due to the visa. For example, it is only possible in exceptional circumstances to leave the country during the first 6.5 months of your training. We can of course send you our vacation policy by e-mail.
Simply contact us via e-mail or fill out our contact form: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
Can my family visit me in the USA?
Yes, that’s no problem. Depending on which course you are in, you can also take family members or friends with you on a flight. However, this must be discussed with your instructor beforehand.
Can I work in the USA after my training?
If you have attended a flight school with the F1 visa, you can work in the USA after your training. The F1 visa is only available at very few flight schools and allows graduates to work in the USA after their training. The time of this work phase varies from school to school between 12 and 23.5 months. Hillsboro allows graduates the full 23.5 months because we know how important flight hours are to your future career.
You can find out more about the visa here: https://en.flyhaa.de/visa/
How much does pilot training cost?
Depending on whether you complete the FAA training or the combined FAA/EASA training, the cost varies between approx. $76,000 and $96,000. Unlike in Europe, there are no landing fees and there is no sales tax in Oregon. We can send you a detailed price list.
Simply contact us by e-mail or via our contact form: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
Will I be paid for my training?
No, unlike vocational training in some countries, you don’t get paid for the training and have to finance it and your living costs yourself.
What additional costs should I expect?
A large part of the additional expenses is the cost of living. You should expect to spend $1000-$1500 per month. These costs vary depending on your personal lifestyle. There are also expenses related to the visa, registration, travel, car ownership, exams, the Robinson Safety Course, medicals and more. You can also find these on our price list. Simply contact us by e-mail or via our contact form: https://en.flyhaa.de/contact/
Are there scholarships for the training?
Unfortunately, there are no scholarships or funding opportunities through our flight school.
When do I pay for the training?
With us, you pay for the respective activity on the day of the flight or theory. This means that the cost of the training is spread over a longer period of time and if you decide to stop the training, there are no costs or penalties, as is the case in Europe. The only part of the training that you pay for upfront is the EASA theoretical training, which begins after you complete your FAA private pilot license. This is because we pass these fees on to our partners and the authorities.
How do you finance your training?
Most students finance their education through savings and loans. Often a loan is taken out with the help of the family.
Where can I get a loan for my training?
Most students take out a loan from their bank, often with the help of their family. However, there are also portals on the Internet where you can search for a suitable loan and possibly get better conditions.
What kind of jobs can I find as a pilot in the USA?
Approximately 90-95% of our graduates start their career as flight instructors. This is a great way to build flight hours while improving your skills in the airplane. Most instructors fly between 500-900 hours per year. After this initial job, there are great opportunities in charter flights, transport airplanes, skydiving operations or as a bush pilot.
How much do you earn as a pilot?
The salary for pilots varies greatly. As a flight instructor, you usually earn enough to cover your living expenses. In Oregon the average CFI salary is between $1500 and $2500 per month. Like many schools, Hillsboro pays their instructors based on qualification and type of conducted training. The hourly pay goes from $22/h to $29/h for normal instruction and up to $40/h for advanced instruction. In Los Angeles, San Francisco or other cities the salary can be significantly higher, but the cost of living is also much higher.
Can I stay in the USA permanently after my visa?
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to stay in the USA after the work phase is completed. There is usually no way for companies to simply apply for a work visa for you. In the past, however, there have been several students who have won the so-called green card lottery (every October and free of charge) or who have married a US citizen.
Let's make your dream come true.
We know that becoming a pilot requires many steps and considerations. Our team is ready to support you every step of the way, from your initial inquiry to the completion of your training.

I’m Phil and I assist our future students from Europe to achieve their dream. Contact me and we can discuss your situation together.
Phil Haupt, ADAC Helicopter Pilot & Airplane Professional Pilot – Languages: English, German