

Become qualified for Europe and USA. For helicopter & airplane pilots.

Combine the Best
of 2 worlds

EASA & FAA Training in the USA

Since 2020

Combined FAA & EASA training

Hillsboro Aero Academy offers a combined FAA/EASA training program for helicopter pilots since 2020 and for airplane pilots since 2023, where our students can obtain the American FAA licenses and the EASA commercial pilot license required in Europe in parallel.

Complete all the training in the USA

In the past, pilots had to complete additional training in Europe after their training and work phase in the USA, which was very expensive and time-consuming. This is no longer necessary! The complete training including exams can now be completed in the USA. This saves time, money and nerves!

Combined training program

Our combined training program offers comprehensive training for both helicopter pilots and airplane pilots.

Job opportunities and experience

Advantages of training in the USA

Training in the USA offers significant advantages for both helicopter and airplane pilots. In Europe, it is often a big challenge to gain enough flight hours or experience, as many companies require at least 800-1000 flight hours of experience from their pilots. This is an enormous hurdle, especially for helicopter pilots.

In the USA, on the other hand, it is comparatively easier to find a job as a pilot directly after training. With the F1 visa, our graduates can legally work as pilots or flight instructors in the U.S. for up to 23.5 months after completing their training. This allows them to gain valuable flight experience and achieve up to 1500 flight hours. This extensive experience makes them sought-after candidates both in the USA and in Europe. Additionally, the training in the USA is much cheaper than in Europe.

Combined European and US licenses

Up to 1,500 hours of flight experience possible

Very good job opportunities for pilots in the USA

he training in the USA is much cheaper than in Europe

With the F1 visa you can work in the USA for 23.5 months

Free Webinars


We regularly host free webinars to provide information about pilot training and our collaborations, such as with ADAC Luftrettung. Whether you are interested in becoming a helicopter or airplane pilot, our webinars provide comprehensive information on the various training opportunities.

The webinars are held on various dates. If you are interested in attending a webinar, simply contact us and we will let you know. In addition, we hold several face-to-face information events each year in Germany and Europe, and present ourselves at Aero Friedrichshafen. Please contact us for information about upcoming events.

Get our exclusive brochure

Discover your path towards becoming a professional pilot

Our brochure is the perfect introduction to the world of Hillsboro Heli & Aero Academy. Here you’ll find everything you need to know about our flight school and how to launch your successful career as a professional pilot. We introduce ourselves, give you an insight into our training program, share the experiences of our graduates and much more.

Download our brochure now and discover why Hillsboro Aero Academy is the perfect choice for aspiring pilots.